Automatic Call Recorder Pro apk for android free download || 2022.

Automatic call recorder pro apk Overview:-

Automatic call recorder pro apk app record any incoming and outgoing call you want and selects which calls you want to keep. You can set which calls are recorded and which are ignored. Listen to recordings, add notes, and share. Integration with Google Drive and Dropbox allows calls to be stored and synced to the clouds as well. Google Drive integration works on the Android 3.0 version and higher.

If you experience any recording problems or wish to improve your voice quality, try recording from a different audio source, or use the automatic turn-on mode. Recorded calls are saved in the Inbox. You can set the inbox size in the automatic call recorder pro apk. The number of saved calls is limited to the memory of your phone only. If you decide the conversation is important, save it and it will be saved in the Saved Calls folder. If not, the old call recordings data will be automatically deleted when the new call recording fills up the inbox. You can allow the Phone Summary Menu with options to appear immediately after a call. Search the record for a contact, phone number, or note.

IMPORTANT NOTE: – Please note that call recording does not work on certain handsets and may result in the low-quality recording.

Key Features: –

  • Record everything (default) – This setting records all calls except your pre-selected contacts to be ignored.
  • Ignore everything – This setting records calls except for pre-selected contact to record.
  • Ignore contacts – This setting records all calls with non-contacts, with the exception of pre-selected contacts for recording.
  • You can allow the Phone Summary Menu with options to appear immediately after a call.
  • Search the record for a contact, phone number, or note.


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